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Major fire accident in Visakha Parawada pharmacy

uploaded on mar 16,2013


1 Response to "Major fire accident in Visakha Parawada pharmacy"

  1. Unknown says:

    These Fire accidents are mostly happened because of Short circuits and not followed Preventive and predictive maintenance programs regular basis including Thermography Survey .To avoid Fire accidents Sachu Technologies offering Infrared Thermography Services in India prides themselves in the world class Predictive &Preventive maintenance utilizing latest contemporary branded Infrared Thermal imaging Cameras which provides high resolution Thermography images to ensure the best possible techniques used in the industry to prevent Fire Accidents and an Early detection of Short circuits.We have procured world top class branded latest long wave uncooled IR Cameras Provides Infrared Thermal Imaging assessment to Electrical Infrastructure ,Mechanical and Other infrastructure , to maintain 24x7X365 (99.995%) Up time power supply and maintain Infrastructure stays up running is mission critical to save Lot of Money also provides Green Environment by reducing Power consumption

    Advantages :Safety increases, Avoid Losses, accidents, serious hotspots leads yet carnage people, employees or public, Reduced Power consumption after Infrared Thermography Assessment at Your organization, Reduced unexpected outage costs,Increased production in industry,Profit increase.Green Environment Establishment.

    Thermography Services offering to all industries throughout India Including
    Power Plant ,Substations, Transmission lines, Transformers,Electric, Mechanical Buildings,Cold Storage & Pharmaceutics industry,• Medical Industry, Refinery Industry, Cement & Boilers Industry, Paper, Pulp, Printing & Packing industry ,Hotel, Food, Beverage ,Polymer ,fiber ,Glass ,Milk dairy, Textile Industry, Software Industries ,IT Parks, Plastic ,Tyres Industry Defense, R&D Projects ,Airport etc.,

    Contact Sachu Technologies for your specific needs and see what infrared ThermographySurvey can do for you

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