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108 Emergency Services Strike, Visakhapatnam

Uploaded on July 22,2013.

                     Patients are in great trouble as the 108 Emergency Services Staff is on strike in Visakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh. Due to the strike effect all the 108 EMS vehicles are parked in visakha collect orate. As the officials seem to have no alternatives, the patients are experiencing great inconvenience. As the emergency services are not available, patients seem to face the hell right on earth. Heart patients and pregnant women are the top of the list who suffer. Patients are using autos and other private and unsafe means to reach hospitals. 108 vehicles are well equipped with life saving means at the time of emergency. Oxygen is also available in these vehicles. There is no guarantee for the safety of a person's life that is in need of emergency services if taken to the hospital in an auto or any other vehicle with no medical equipment. On the other hand some of the auto drivers demand 500 to 1000 rupees based on the patient's condition.

               The locals complain that many patients whose life is in danger in cases like accidents and delivery and heart attacks are facing with life and death situations due the so called sudden strike of the 108 Staff. They also hope that the government officials act quickly in regards this matter. If this situation continues for some more time, there will be many more patients who die in autos and other poorly equipped vehicles. The patients demand that the government should save their lives before the turn into dead bodies.

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